Track themes in your data
Instantly identify key themes in customer reviews
Gain valuable insight into how your business is performing
Increase sales by up to 13.5%

Drive success with easy-to-follow analysis
Are you trying to better understand what makes your customers tick? Our advanced analytics can make you feel like a data analytics pro, giving you more time to focus on improving your customer experience, increasing online conversions and growing your business.

Smarter decisions, made simple
Automatically track customer sentiment across all your reviews with our AI-driven display. Help your customers find the feedback that matters to them by automatically organising your reviews into easy-to-navigate, fully customisable topics and snippets – anywhere on your website.
Showcase reviews throughout the customer journey to give your customers the confidence they need to buy the right product.

Understand what makes your customers tick
Analyse your reviews with ease to identify sentiment and gain a quick view of the key issues affecting your customers. Use Feefo’s AI-driven insight to see where you’re getting it right, where you can improve, and what makes you stand out from the rest.
Our tech helps you pinpoint areas for improvement, with analysis around where to invest in customer experience enhancements, so you can act quickly on emerging trends.